e-learning assignment
Section 1: Implementation issues and strategies in a face-to-face environment
Types of physical settings for all the issues
- Classroom
- Half lab
- Full lab
- Computer lab
- Students facing difficulties with ICT tools due to lack of knowledge
- Causes students to lose interest in the subject
Teachers can demonstrate to students the steps to ICT tools. Teachers can also walk around to help the weaker students.
- Causes students to lose interest in the subject
- Time management
- Some students may complete their work faster than the rest due to a deeper knowledge in the ICT skills. Restlessness may occur among the faster students who are waiting for the slower ones.
Strategies- Teachers can plan beforehand the time allocation for a particular activity.
- Clear instructions should be given concerning the time limit and to move on as planned. Students who are behind time can take the work home to do. This allows continuity and flow of lessons.
- Teachers can encourage peer helping.
- Some students may complete their work faster than the rest due to a deeper knowledge in the ICT skills. Restlessness may occur among the faster students who are waiting for the slower ones.
- Technical problems
- Teachers may not be able to handle the technical problems faced by students, eg. computer virus, hardware problems, etc. This may cause disruption in class.
Strategies- Technical assistants can be present in class to help teachers if needed.
- Also, more workshops on troubleshooting can be conducted for teachers. This leads to less wastage of time during lesson.
- Teachers may not be able to handle the technical problems faced by students, eg. computer virus, hardware problems, etc. This may cause disruption in class.
- Distractions when using ICT resources
- Students surfing other websites instead of doing work
- Students falling asleep behind computer monitor
Strategies- Teachers can stand in strategic positions that allow them to have an overview of the class.
- Teachers can walk around to monitor students' progress.
- Teachers experience lack of ICT skills
- Lack of pedagogy skills for class preparation. This may sometimes lead to teachers falling into the 'cool tool' trap.
- Not enough time for preparation
Strategies- Teachers can help one another by sharing resources and lesson plans.
- Equipping of teachers can take place via ICT-skills upgrading courses.
- Curriculum time can be reduced to allow more preparation time for ICT-mediated lessons.
Section 2: Implementation issues and strategies in an online environment. Focus SPECIFICALLY on issues of Cyberbullying and Internet pornography
- Students may receive anonymous emails that are threatening and harassing. Websites, chat rooms, SMS and voting booths are also mediums where students receive threatening information. Students that are cyberbullied may suffer from depression due to the disturbance caused.
Strategies- Educate students by reminding them to keep their personal information or passwords confidential. This prevents others from sending anonymous stuffs to them.
- Students are encouraged not to open any mails or documents from an unknown senders.
- Students can install email filters to block or delete messages sent by anonymous senders.
- Students having a lack of knowledge about the cyber world. This increases the risk and number of cases of cyberbullying.
Strategies- Raise awareness of cyberbullying by showing students relevant resources such as educational videos.
- Schools can also educate students via the Cyberwellness Framework. This framework guides students to be responsible for their own actions through starter kits, guidebooks, etc.
Internet Pornography
- Raise awareness of cyberbullying by showing students relevant resources such as educational videos.
- When surfing the internet, pop-up windows of pornographic materials may appear and students who are curious may click on them and explore the websites. Overtime, they may get addicted to watching pornographic materials.
Strategies- Install filtering softwares eg. WiseChoice filter, in computer. These helps to block certain webpage on the internet. Some browser such as firefox also prevent pop-up windows from appearing and would seek the permission from the user first.
- Educating the students to stop and reflect upon what they are doing when they encounter any pornographic websites. Questions such as "Is viewing those websites appropriate?", "How would my familiy, teachers and friends view me if they were to know about it?" etc. can be posed to the students. The thought that they might be viewed negatively might decrease the chance of them surfing pornographic sites.
- Students who frequently surfs pornographic website may end up getting involved in underage or pre-marital sexual activities.
Strategies- Schools can educate students on the consequences of pre-marital sex. This helps them to think twice before engaging in any activities.
- Parents can keep a lookout for unusual behaviour of their child. Signs may include them spending too much hours on the internet, sneaky behaviours etc.
- Parents can monitor students' work by placing the computer in the living room so that being in an open space would reduce the risk of them surfing inappropriate websites.
- Students may end up in depression overtime when people view them negatively after they are caught of watching pornographic materials or engaging in sexual activities.
Students can seek professional help such as counselors so that they do not keep falling into condemnation, and thus leading to depression.
- http://www.cyberbullying.ca
- http://www3.moe.edu.sg/edumall/tl/cyberwellness.htm
- http://www.isafe.org/intl/en
- Cher Ping Lim, Meow Sien Pek, Ching Sing Chai (2005). Classroom Management Issues in Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-Mediated Learning Environments: Back to the Basics. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 14(4), 391-414. Retrieved February 3, 2009, from ProQuest Education Journals database.
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